
中2 unit7 適語補充


(1) このえんぴつはあのえんぴつより長いです。
 This pencil is (      ) (    ) that one.

This pencil is longer than that one.

(2) このえんぴつはすべてのうちで最も長いです。
 This pencil is (   ) (       ) (  ) all.

This pencil is the longest of all.

(3) この本はあの本より人気です。
 This book is (    ) popular (    ) that one.

This book is more popular than that one.

(4) この本は日本一番人気です。
 This book is (   ) (    ) popular (  ) Japan.

This book is the most popular in Japan.

(5) この本はあの本よりよいです。
 This book is (      ) (    ) that one.

This book is better than that one.

(6) この本はすべてのうちで一番よいです。
 This book is (   ) (    ) (  ) all.

This book is the best of all.

(7) ディーパはミホより上手にギターをひきます。
 Deepa plays the guitar (      ) (    ) Miho.

Deepa plays the guitar better than Miho.

(8) ディーパはすべての生徒のうちで一番上手にギターをひきます。
 Deepa plays the guitar (   ) (    ) (  ) all the students.

Deepa plays the guitar the best of all the students.

(9) あなたはリンゴオレンジではどちらが好きですか。
 (     ) do you like (      ), an apple (  ) an orange?

Which do you like better, an apple or an orange?

(10) あなたはどの季節が一番好きですか。
 (     ) season do you like (   ) (    )?

Which season do you like the best?

(11) ジョンはユウジと同じくらい速く走る。
 John runs (  ) fast (  ) Yuji.

John runs as fast as Yuji.

(12) 私はメアリーほど速く走れない
 I (    ) run (  ) fast (  ) Mary.

I can't run as fast as Mary.

(13) 彼女はほかのどの生徒たちより速く走ることができる。
 She can run (      ) (    ) (   )(     ) students.

She can run faster than any other students.

(14) お役に立ちましょうか
 (   ) ( ) (    ) (   )?

May I help you?

(15) 窓を開けましょうか
 (     ) ( ) open the window?

Shall I open the window?

(16) それはいくらですか。
 (   ) (    ) is it?

How much is it?


(17) 咲は彼女の近所の子供たちの世話をします
 Saki (     ) (    ) (  ) her neighbor's children.

Saki takes care of her neighbor's children.

(18) 私たちは水なしでは生きられません。
 We can't live (       ) water.

We can't live without water.

(19) 彼はあるアイディアを思いつきます
 He (      ) (  ) an idea.

He thinks of an idea.

(20) ソーヤーはもはや恥ずかしがりではありません
 Sawyer is (  ) (      ) shy.

Sawyer is no longer shy.

(21) それは私には大きすぎます。
 It's (   ) big for me.

It's too big for me.


(22) このえんぴつはあのえんぴつより長いです。
 This pencil is (      ) (    ) that one.

 That pencil is (       ) (    ) this one.

This pencil is longer than that one.
That pencil is shorter than this one.

(23) このえんぴつはすべてのえんぴつのうちで一番長いです。
 This pencil is (   ) (       ) (  ) all.

 This pencil is (      ) (    ) (   ) (     ) pencils.

This pencil is the longest of all.
This pencil is longer than any other pencils.

(24) ジョンはメアリーほど速く走ることができません
 John (    ) run (  ) fast (  ) Mary.

 Mary can run (      ) (    ) John.

John can't run as fast as Mary.
Mary can run faster than John.

(25) 咲は彼女の近所の子供たちの世話をします
 Saki (     ) (    ) (  ) her neighbor's children.
 Saki (     ) (     ) her neighbor's children.

Saki takes care of her neighbor's children.
Saki looks after her neighbor's children.

答え(中2 Unit7 適語補充)

(1)longer than (2)the longest of (3)more than (4)the most in (5)better than (6)the best of (7)better than (8)the best of (9)Which better or (10)Which the best (11)as as (12)can't as as (13)faster than any other (14)May I help you (15)Shall I (16)How much (17)takes care of (18)without (19)thnkis of (20)no longer (21)too (22)longer than,shorter than (23)the longest of,longer than any other (24)can't as as,faster than (25)takes care of,looks after

