
中3 Unit5 適語補充


(1) あなたはピアノをひいている少年を知っていますか。
 Do you know the (   ) (       ) the piano?

Do you know the boy playing the piano?

(2) ピアノをひいている少年は私の兄(弟)です。
 The (   ) (       ) the piano is my brother.

The boy playing the piano is my brother.

(3) あなたはオートとラリアで使われている言葉を知っていますか。
 Do you know the (        ) (    ) in Australia?

Do you know the language used in Australia?

(4) オーストラリアで使われている言葉は英語です。
 The (        ) (    ) in Australia is English.

The language used in Australia is English.

(5) 私はあなたの言っていることがわかります。
 I know (    ) (   ) (     ).

I know what you mean.

(6) あなたは彼女がどこに住んでいたか知っていますか。
 Do you know (     ) (   ) (     )?

Do you know where she lived?

(7) 彼が誰なのか私に教えてください。
 Please tell me (   ) (  ) (  ).

Please tell me who he is.

(8) 彼はとても疲れていたので早く寝ました。
 He was (  ) tired (    ) he went bed early.

He was so tired that went to bed early.

(9) その本はとても難しいので、彼はそれを読むことができません
 The book is (  ) difficult (    ) he (    ) read it.

The book is so difficlut that he can't read it.

(10) その本はとても難しいので彼には読めません。
 The book is (   ) difficult (   ) him (  ) read.

The book is too difficult for him to read.


(11) いくつかのロボットは人々のかわりに危険な場所で働くことができる。
 Some robots can work in dangerous places (       ) (  ) people.

Some robots can work in dangerous places instead of people.

(12) 私は彼女に賛成です。
 I (    ) (    ) her.

I agree with her.

(13) 彼女はその質問に答えることができるかもしれない。
 She may (  ) (    ) (  ) answer the question.

She may be able to answer the question.

(14) 私はまんじゅうがこわいです。
 I (  ) (      ) (  ) manju.

I am afraid of manju.

(15) あなたは英語の勉強をするのに最もよい方法について考え続けるべきです。
 You should (    ) (        ) about the best way to study English.

You should keep thinking about the best way to study English.

(16) あなたは彼あなたに電話をかけ直してもらいたいですか。
 Do you (    ) him (  ) call you back?

Do you want him to call you back?

(17) 私に電話をかけ直すように彼に伝えていただけますか。
 (     ) (   ) tell him to call me back?

Could you tell him to call me back?

(18) あなたのご両親に私のことをよろしく伝えてください。
 (   ) (     ) (  ) your parents for me.

Say hello to your parents for me.


(19) 彼女はギターをひくことができる。
 She (  ) play the guitar.
 She (  ) (    ) (  ) play the guitar.

She can play the guitar.
She is able to play the guitar.

(20) 彼はあまりにも疲れていたので夕食を料理できなかった。
 He was (   ) tired (   ) cook dinner.
 He was (  ) tired (    ) he (       ) cook dinner.

He was too tired to cook dinner.
He was so tired that he couldn't cook dinner.

(21) 彼女にとってあまりにも暑いので外出できない。
 It is (   ) hot (   ) her (  ) go out.
 It is (  ) hot (    ) she (    ) go out.

It is too hot for her to go out.
It is so hot that she can't go out.

(22) 彼はとてもリッチ(お金持ち)なのでその車を買うことができる(彼はその車が買えるくらいリッチだ)。
 He is (  ) rich (    ) he (   ) buy the car.
 He is rich (     ) (  ) buy the car.

He is so rich that he can buy the car.
He is rich enough to buy the car.


※so...that can~ (とても…なので~できる)の書き換えには、...enough to~ というのをもちいます。~できるほど十分に…だ、という意味です。

答え(中3 Unit5 適語補充)

(1)boy playing (2)boy playing (3)language used (4)language used (5)what you mean (6)where she lived (7)who he is (8)so that (9)so that can't (10)too for to (11)instead of (12)agree with (13)be able to (14)am afraid of (15)keep thinking (16)want to (17)Could you (18)Say hello to (19)can,is able to (20)too to,so that couldn't (21)too for to,so that can't (22)so that can,enough to

