
中3 Unit6 適語補充


(1) これは私が家から持ってきた本です。
 This is a (    ) (  ) (       ) home.

This is a book I brought from home.

(2) これらは私がその本の中で見つけた人々のうちの何人かです。
 These are some of the (     ) (  ) (     ) in the book.

These are some of the people I found in the book.

(3) 咲は野球が好きな女の子です。
 Saki is a (    ) (   ) (     ) baseball.

Saki is a girl who likes baseball.

(4) 野球が好きな女の子は咲です。
 A (    ) (   ) (     ) baseball is Saki.

A girl who likes baseball is Saki.

(5) これは人々を幸福にする本です。
 This is a book (    ) (     ) people happy.

This is a book that[which] makes people happy.

(6) これは彼女が1962年に書いた本です。
 This is the book (    ) (   ) (     ) in1962.

This is the book that[which] she wrote in 1962.

(7) 咲はあなたが昨晩会った女の子です。
 Saki is a girl (    ) (   ) (   ) last night.

Saki is a girl that you met[saw] last night.

(8) あなたが会いたがっていた女の子はミホです。
 The girl (    ) (   ) (      ) to see is Miho.

The girl that you wanted to see is Miho.


(9) 彼女は合計で15年間監禁されたが、彼女は決してあきらめなかった。
 She was locked up for 15 years (  ) (    ), busi she never (    ) (  ).

She was locked up for 15 years in total, but she never gave up.

(10) 彼女は彼女の苦しんでる人々を置き去りにすることができなかった。
 She could not (    ) her suffering people (    ).

She could not leave her suffering people behind.

(11) 彼女は、「故国を追われた人や、家のない人や、希望のない人のいない」世界のために戦っている。
 She is fighting for a world that is "(    ) (    ) the displaced, the homeless, and the hopeless."

She is fighting for a world that is "free from the displaced, the homeless, and the hopeless."

(12) 私たちは私たちの学校に所属しているということを感じることができます。
 We can feel that we (      ) (  ) our school.

We can feel that we belong to our school.

(13) 最初は、試合に勝つことは私たちにとって難しかったです。
 (  ) (     ), it was difficult for us to win a game.

At first, it was difficult for us to win a game.

(14) 私はほかの言葉を学ぶことに興味があります。
 I (  ) (          ) (  ) learning other languages.

I am interested in learning other languages.

(15) それは簡単ではありません、しかし私は最善を尽くすつもりです。
 It's not easy, but I'll (  ) (  ) (    ).

It's not easy, but I'll do my best.


(16) ギターをひいている男の子はアンガスです。
 A boy playing the guitar is Angus.
 A boy (   ) (  ) playing the guitar is Angus.

A boy playing the guitar is Angus.
A boy who is playing the guitar is Angus.

(17) 彼によって建てられたその建物は私たちの学校です。
 The building built by him is our school.
 The building (     ) (   ) built by him is our school.

The building built by him is our school.
The building which[that] was built by him is our school.

(18) ジュディーは髪の長い女の子です。
 Judy is a girl (    ) long hair.
 Judy is a girl (   ) (   ) long hair.

Judy is a girl with long hair.
Judy is a girl who has long hair.

(19) これは彼が書いた本です。
 This is a book (       ) by him.
 This is a book (  ) (     ).

This is a book written by him.
This is a book he wrote.

答え(中3 Unit6 適語補充)

(1)book I brought (2)people I found (3)girl who likes (4)girl who likes (5)that[which] mekes (6)that[which] she wrote (7)that you met[saw] (8)that you wanted (9)in total, gave up (10)leave behind (11)free from (12)belong to (13)At first (14)am interested in (15)do my best (16)who is (17)which[that] was (18)with, who has (19)written, he wrote

